To setup your timer follow these steps.
- Login to your EmailTimers account and from your dashboard click on Create Timer button.
- Select timer style or format from four available styles by clicking on radio button under your style of choice.
- Enter timer name.
- Select timer type from the dropdown list and expiry date, time for your timer. Expiry date and time is only available for standard type timer.
- Select your preferred time zone and language from the dropdown lists.
- For color scheme choose a preset color scheme by clicking on Custom Colors button.
- For text items (Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds) in timer same color can be kept by selecting Same color from Text Color dropdown list.
- Select your preferred font from the given dropdown list of fonts.
- Days can be excluded from the timer by selecting Exclude days from the given dropdown list. This will work only if number of days in your timer is zero.
- Click on Create Timer button to save your timer.

Or you can select your preferred colors for individual items of timer.

Or select Different colors from Text Color dropdown list and choose your preferred color for each text item in your timer.